

[ xuéshè ] 发音:   "学舍"的汉语解释   用"学舍"造句
  • college
  • gakuja
  • :    study; learn
  • :    house; hut
  • 国际学舍谋杀案:    hickory dickory dock
  • 学社:    society
  • 学舌:    1.(模仿别人说话) mechanically repeat other people's words; parrot 鹦鹉学舌 imitate mechanically; parrot2.[口语] (嘴不严) gossipy; loosetongued


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. "can you cook this young gentleman's breakfast for him, if you please?" said the master at salem house .
  2. Emilie : well there are always youth hotels , and you can economize there
  3. " can you cook this young gentleman ' s breakfast for him , if you please ? " said the master at salem house
    “请你给这位少爷热一热早饭,成不成? ”撒伦学舍的教师说。
  4. Aside from the standard facilities , the residence offers students a study room , a reading room and a classroom
  5. The residents , and even non - residents , are free to participate in the formative activities organized by cecea


        :    study; learn
        :    house; hut
        国际学舍谋杀案:    hickory dickory dock
        学社:    society
        学舌:    1.(模仿别人说话) mechanically repeat other people's words; parrot 鹦鹉学舌 imitate mechanically; parrot2.[口语] (嘴不严) gossipy; loosetongued
        学呻经考试才能入学:    students are admitted only upon examination
        学上偏重理论研究:    e/kr
        学生:    1.(在学校学习的人) student; pupil 医科学生 a medical student; 学生服 student [school] uniform; 学生票 student fare; discount ticket for students; 学生时代 school days; 学生守则 students' rules; school code; 一派学生腔 all in student jargon; 小学二年级学生 second grade primary school pupil; second grader; 中学生 middle school student2.(向老师或前辈学习的人) disciple; follower; 学生会 student union; student association; student council; 学生守则 students' rules; 学生团体 student body; 学生证 student's identity card; 学生自治会 student self-government; 学生组织 student organization
        学上称之为重迭词:    reduplication words
        学生(总称):    student body
        学赡理辅导中心:    center for psychological services
        学生, 研究者, 学者:    student
        学陕闻:    gakusei shimbun


        学舍的俄语:pinyin:xuéshè школьное здание; школа
        学舍什么意思:  1.  学校的房舍。    ▶ 《后汉书‧儒林传序》: “学舍颓敝, 鞠为园蔬, 牧童荛竖, 至于薪刈其下。”    ▶ 《新唐书‧刘禹锡传》: “ 贞观 时, 学舍千二百区, 生徒三千馀。”    ▶ 清 恽敬 《重建东湖书院记》: “ 黎君 归帑于官为银若干, 诸乡先生任讲堂学舍筑削之赀为银若干。...


  1. "学陕闻"英文
  2. "学赡理辅导中心"英文
  3. "学上称之为重迭词"英文
  4. "学上偏重理论研究"英文
  5. "学舌"英文
  6. "学社"英文
  7. "学呻经考试才能入学"英文
  8. "学生"英文
  9. "学生(总称)"英文
  10. "学生, 研究者, 学者"英文


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