学校: school; educational institut ...图书馆: library去学校图书馆: go to the school library在学校图书馆里: in the school library读学校图书馆的任何书: read any books from the school library国际学校图书馆长联合会: iasl; international association of school librarianship国际学校图书馆长协会: international association of school librarianship美国学校图书馆期刊: school library journal学校图书馆媒体中心: school library media center高校图书馆工作: library work in colleges and universities我们学校的图书馆: our school library高校图书馆应加强信息素质教育: strenthen information quality education in the library of high school高职院校图书馆人力资源管理初探: exploring human resources management in the library of high school网络环境下高校图书馆的信息资源建设: college library's information resource construction in network environment新形势下高校图书馆的职能变化初探: a brief discussion on function changing under new circumstances for colleges学校图表: school chart图书馆在学校马路对面: the library is on the opposite side of the road from the school高校图书馆应成为大学生素质教育的基地: colleges library have to build itself into the quality educational base网络环境下高校图书馆信息服务工作浅探: research on information service of institutional libraries under the network enviornment图书馆: library 北京图书馆 beijing library; 大学图书馆 college library; university library; academic library; 国家图书馆 national library; 省[市; 区; 县] 图书馆 provincial [municipal; district; county] library; 学校图书馆 school library; 图书馆工作 library works; 图书馆管理 library management; 图书馆馆员 librarian 从学校穿过大街就是图书馆: wall street in new york city means the stock market and 'big money拉丁美洲图书馆学与情报科学学校协会: latin american association of library and information science schools使用学校设施,包括计算机实验室和图书馆。: use of college facilities, including computer lab and library图书与图书馆: books and library版本图书馆: copyright library deposit library depository library