- isolating integral
- 孤立: isolated; solitary; separate
- 积分: integral; integrate; integra ...
- 线性无关积分, 线性独立积分: linearly independent integral
- 孤立: 1.(与其它事物不相联系) isolated; solitary; separate 处境孤立 find oneself in an isolated position; 不要孤立地考虑这些事实。 don't consider the facts in isolation from others.2.(使得不到同情、支援) isolate; seclude 孤立敌人 isolate the enemy; 孤立案件 isolated case; 孤立病灶 solitary sick point; 孤立点 isolated point; acnode; 孤立电荷 monopole; 孤立细胞 autoblast; 孤立性 isolatism; 孤立语 isolating language; 孤立主义 isolationism; 孤立主义者 isolationist
- 积分: 1.[数学] integral; integrate; integration 定积分 definite; integral; 不定积分 indefinite integral2.[体育] (积累的分数) accumulate points 日本队积四分, 一胜两负。 the japanese team accumulated four points with one win and two losses.; 积分变换 integral transformation; integral transform; 积分法 integration; 积分反馈 integral feedback; 积分方程(式) integral equation; 积分计 integrating meter; 积分曲线 integral curves; 积分学 integral calculus; 积分演算 integral action; 积分仪 integraph