The macrosporogenesis and female gamephyte development of psathyrostachys huashanica 华山新麦草大孢子发生和雌配子体的形成
The microsporogenesis and male gamephyte development of psathyrostachys huashanica keng 华山新麦草小孢子发生及雄配子体的形成
Ultrastructural studies on megasporogenesis in triticum aestivum l . ultrastructural studies on megasporogenesis in 小麦大孢子发生过程中的超微结构研究
The present paper deals with the microsporogenesis and the development of its male gametophytes and the anther wall 论述单穗升麻的小孢子发生和雄配子体发育以及花药壁的发育。
In this paper , the whole process of it microsporogenesis and male gametophytes development was observed with microscope to sure weather stamen development is normal . at the same time , in order to provide techniques on biotechnology conservation and the foundation of its resources gene pool in cell engineering , its techniques on culture in vitro was studied 本论文通过对猬实小孢子发生和雄配子体发育全过程进行细胞观察,探寻猬实的雄性器官的发育是否是猬实有性生殖的薄弱环节,并对猬实的离体培养进行了初步的研究,为猬实生物技术保存、建立猬实种质资源基因库提供细胞工程方面的途径和技术。