M . noirtier tenderly loves his granddaughter , mademoiselle de villefort ; it is she who has nursed and tended him for six years , and has , by her devoted attention , fully secured the affection , i had almost said the gratitude , of her grandfather , and it is but just that she should reap the fruit of her devotion . 诺瓦蒂埃先生极疼爱他的孙女儿维尔福小姐,她服侍了他六年,她很孝顺地照顾他,所以她的祖父很爱她,甚至几乎可以说很感激她,现在她可以享受孝顺所带来的好处了,这原是很公平的。 ”
孝顺: show filial obedience; filia ...地: the earth孝顺: show filial obedience; filial piety孝顺的: filial; obedient; pious孝顺竹: bambusa multiplex恭顺地: deferentially滑顺地: glidingly柔顺地: pliably; pliantly温顺地: meekly; tamely; tractably儿女孝顺的: loyal filial孝顺的;顺从的: obedient孝顺的儿子: the dutiful son孝顺父母: be filial to one's parents practice filial prety towards one's parents re和顺地爱我: love me tender顺地磁传播: whistler mode propagation一顺地板: straight joint floor孝顺仔寻宝遇仙: magic bow and precious mirror驯顺地, 怯弱地, 天真地: like a lamb不要温顺地走入那个良宵: do not go gentle into that good night甘受侮辱, 驯顺地忍受凌辱: sit down under insults驯服地, 温顺地, 没有骨气地: tamely一直迅速及畅顺地运球(远程)然后得分: all the way孝思不匮: forever filial孝思贸易有限公司: hsiao shih trade co. ltd孝淑睿皇后: empress xiaoshu