

发音:   用"存疑判决"造句
  • open verdict
  • 存疑:    leave the question open
  • 判决:    court decision; judgment; br ...
  • 存疑:    (对疑难问题暂时不做决定) leave a question open; leave a doubtful point unquestioned; leave a matter for future consideration; unanswered question; unsettled point; remaining doubt
  • 判决:    [法律] court decision; judgment; bring in a verdict; adjudicate; adjudge; doom 判决无罪 pronounce sb. not guilty; bring in a verdict of (not guilty) innocent; 判决有罪 pronounce sb. guilty; bring in a verdict of guilty; 拒绝执行判决 refusal of payment; 缺席判决 a judgement by default; 判决对他不利。the judgement was against him. 判决对他有利。the judgement was in his favour.; 判决后的传票 judgment summons; 判决理论 decision theory; 判决录 judgment book; 判决确定的扣押权 judgment lien; 判决确定的债务 judgment debt; 判决确定的债务人 judgment debtor; 判决确定的债权人 judgment creditor; 判决书 court verdict; written judgment; 判决为合理 vindicate; 判决先例 test case; 判决宣告合同无效 ruling that the contract is void; 判决应付款项 judgements payable
  • 存疑裁决:    open verdict


  1. Under the 1996 amendment of the criminal procedure act , principles of presumption of innocence and in dubio pro reo have been established
  2. However , verdicts of guilt with reasonable doubt , which can not be satisfied by the standard of criminal proof , still exists in the process of judicial practice , which definitely brings about some negative impacts
  3. Though detailed study of the standard of criminal proof helps to reduce the rate of these verdicts , it cannot resolve the problem in all because of the unavoidable shortcomings of the standard of proof . finally , the author advocates that precedent system should be established to accumulate judicial experience on rules of discerning ‘ doubts ’ . meanwhile , the author strives to figure out primary rules of discerning ‘ doubts ’ from the misjudged cases
  4. Unfortunately , while scholars in the area mainly focus on problems including extorting a confession by torture , taking into custody beyond the time limit and many other criminal issues relating to these cases , little attention has been paid to the phenomenon of verdicts of guilt with reasonable doubt itself
  5. This dissertation is devoted to a systematic study of the phenomenon of verdicts of guilt with reasonable doubts by a comprehensive methodology including case , historical research , statistical research and comparative research etc . the article explores the essential features of such verdicts from typical case . next , point out that ‘ intermediary verdict theory ’ is the fundamental justifications for verdicts of guilt with reasonable doubts . then , concludes that a verdict with reasonable doubts is due to the de facto low standard of criminal proof


        存疑:    leave the question open
        判决:    court decision; judgment; br ...
        存疑:    (对疑难问题暂时不做决定) leave a question open; leave a doubtful point unquestioned; leave a matter for future consideration; unanswered question; unsettled point; remaining doubt
        判决:    [法律] court decision; judgment; bring in a verdict; adjudicate; adjudge; doom 判决无罪 pronounce sb. not guilty; bring in a verdict of (not guilty) innocent; 判决有罪 pronounce sb. guilty; bring in a verdict of guilty; 拒绝执行判决 refusal of payment; 缺席判决 a judgement by default; 判决对他不利。the judgement was against him. 判决对他有利。the judgement was in his favour.; 判决后的传票 judgment summons; 判决理论 decision theory; 判决录 judgment book; 判决确定的扣押权 judgment lien; 判决确定的债务 judgment debt; 判决确定的债务人 judgment debtor; 判决确定的债权人 judgment creditor; 判决书 court verdict; written judgment; 判决为合理 vindicate; 判决先例 test case; 判决宣告合同无效 ruling that the contract is void; 判决应付款项 judgements payable
        存疑裁决:    open verdict
        存疑豆芫菁:    epicauta dubid fabricius
        存疑主义:    agnosticism
        战略存疑:    hi
        墨者身份存疑:    his identity is unclear
        句子,判决:    sentence
        判决, 宣判:    rendition of judgment; sentencing
        判决,裁定:    adjudication
        判决,裁决:    verdict
        判决,判定:    decree; finding(legal)
        判决,审理:    iudicatio
        判决,审判:    adjudicate
        判决,宣判:    sentence
        判决的:    adjudicative; judicatory; sentential
        判决令:    adjudication order
        判决录:    judgment book
        判决区:    decision area
        判决圈:    máhanaxar
        判决日:    judgement day
        判决书:    court verdict; written judgment; judgement. determination. verdict; judgement;determinatio verdict; syllabi; written judgment
        判决值:    decision value


  1. "存衣处"英文
  2. "存衣室"英文
  3. "存疑"英文
  4. "存疑裁决"英文
  5. "存疑豆芫菁"英文
  6. "存疑主义"英文
  7. "存义"英文
  8. "存银行现金"英文
  9. "存银行现金, 银行存款"英文
  10. "存银行现金,银行存款"英文


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