存放: leave with; leave in sb.'s c ...款: sincere基金会: foundation拨入放款基金: appropriations loan fund拨入放款基金积余: cumulative earnings on appropriated loan fund开发贷款基金会: development loan fund存放款比率: depositloan ratio; loandeposit ratio; ratio of loans to deposits拔款基金: appropriation fund贷款基金: loan funds还款基金: fund for repayment of borrowings联行存放款项: deposit from correspondent banks同业存放款项: deposit from other banks发展贷款基金: develo-ent loan fund; development loan fund管理贷款基金: management loan fund开发贷款基金: development loan fund免息贷款基金: interest-free loan fund认可存款基金: approved deposit fund信用贷款基金: credit fund学生贷款基金: student loan fund基金会: a foundation; academic organizations and foundations; foundation (charity); ifad; king baudouin foundation; nsf; wwf年度拨款基金计划: annual funding program渔业发展贷款基金: fisheries development loan fundblender基金会: blender foundationeclipse基金会: eclipse foundationhon基金会: health on the net foundation