The marking for presence of the specific chemical substances for electrical and electronic equipment 电气和电子设备用特殊化学物质的存在度标记
Naturally , if there exists a face size more than 7 , then a worthy question arises " what about the upper bound of ( g ) ? or to say , what about the low bound on the maximum genus of g 自然地,若一个图g在某个曲面嵌入中存在度超过7的面,一个值得回答的问题是: ( g )的上界情况怎样,或者等价地, g的最大亏格下界怎样
First , considering the characteristics of mining association rules , an effective hash function is constructed and its constructional principles , realizable methods and efficiencies are analysed , studied , discussed and proved in detail and at the same time several new concepts such as radix - scale degree , combination - existence degree , combination - denseness degree and so on are defined too 散列技术部分针对关联规则数据挖掘的特点构造了一个有效的散列函数,在对它的构造原理、实现方法和效率等进行详细地分析、研究和论证的同时,还提出了“基规模度” 、 “组合存在度” 、 “组合稠密度”等几个新的概念。
存在: exist; be度: surmise; estimate在度假: be on holiday; on vacation她在度蜜月: she is on the honeymoon在度假旅行: on a vacation trip在度假期: be on vacation在度假中: on vacation存在: 1.(事物持续地占据着时间和空间) exist; be 他们完全忽略了这些事实, 就仿佛它们不存在似的。 they completely ignore these facts as if they never existed. 我们工作中还存在不少缺点。 there are still plenty of shortcomings in our work.2.(不依赖人的意志为转移的客观境界, 即物质) being, existence 人们的社会存在决定人们的意识。 men's social existence determines their consciousness 克林顿在度假: clinton is vacationing他们在度蜜月: they are on their honeymoon存在;生存;存在物: existence伴随您在度过新的一年: may joy and health be with you always保存在: store in不存在: non-existent; nothingness 这一切将不存在。 all of these will dissolve into nothingness存在, 现有: in existence存在,生存: existence存在,仪容: presence存在,具有: bestehen(bestand, hat bestanden)存在表: table of presence存在的: available; existential; existing; extant; in existence; inexistence; subsistent存在点: point of presence pop; pops存在感: presence; sense of being存在句: existential sentence; lie; sentence of being; there be存在论: ontology存在图: existential graph