存在: exist; be与: take part in; participate in虚无: nihility; nothingness存在与时间: being and time存在与唯一: existence and uniqueness存在与意义: being and meaning在悲痛与虚无之间: tears are the silent language of grief测试存在与否: absence test在与: accounts由于你的存在与呼吸: because you live and breathe虚无: nihility; nothingness◇虚无主义 nihilism; 虚无主义者 nihilist主要能力广泛存在与大多数企业: a. core competencies are wide spread in most organizations与虚利: out of the money实色与虚色: real color and imaginary color虚无的: empty虚无僧: komusou虚无身: tranquil state存在: 1.(事物持续地占据着时间和空间) exist; be 他们完全忽略了这些事实, 就仿佛它们不存在似的。 they completely ignore these facts as if they never existed. 我们工作中还存在不少缺点。 there are still plenty of shortcomings in our work.2.(不依赖人的意志为转移的客观境界, 即物质) being, existence 人们的社会存在决定人们的意识。 men's social existence determines their consciousness 现在与未来: the past, present and future of breast cancer therapy; the past, present and future of medical physics in china现在与永远: now and forever在与不在: absence and presence自在与不安: comfort and discomfort网站已经在与: msn非虚无假设: non-null hypothesis光(虚无之光): deja vu