- onepreservation
- 存: exist; live; survive
- 性: nature; character; dispositi ...
- 存: 动词1.(存在; 生存) exist; live; survive 残存 remnant; surviving; 名存实亡 exist only in name but not in reality2.(储存; 保存) store; keep 存粮 store up grain; 封存 seal up for safekeeping; 水库存了大量的水。 a large quantity of water is stored in the reservoir. 天气热, 西红柿存不住。 tomatoes won't keep in hot weather.3.(蓄积; 聚集) accumulate; collect 一下雨, 洼地里就存了好些水。 whenever it rains, a lot of water accumulates in the low-lying land.4.(储蓄) deposit 他总是把一半薪金存入银行。 he always deposits half of his salary in the bank.5.(寄存) leave with; check 存自行车 leave one's bicycle in a bicycle park; 你们可把箱子存在服务台。 you can check your suitcases in at the desk. 行李先存在这里, 回头再来取。 let's check our luggage here and come back for it later.6.(保留) reserve; retain 求同存异 seek common ground while reserving differences; 他有什么说什么, 肚子里存不住话。 he always says what he thinks; he can't hold anything back.7.(结存; 余留) remain on balance; be in stock 收支相抵, 净存两千元。 the accounts show a surplus of 2,000 yuan.8.(心里怀着) cherish; harbour 不存幻想 harbour no illusions; 存着很大的希望 cherish high hopes
- 性: Ⅰ名词1.(性格) nature; character; disposition 本性 inherent character; nature; 天性 natural instincts; nature2.(性能; 性质) property; quality 酒性 alcoholic strength; 药性 medicinal properties3.(性别) sex 男[女] 性 the male [female] sex; 性冲动 the sexual impulse; 性教育 sex education4.[语言学] (名词以及代词、 形容词的类别) gender 阳 [阴, 中] 性 the masculine [feminine, neuter] gender5.(姓氏) a surname 性康 xing kangⅡ[后缀] (表示性质、范围或方式) 必要性 necessity; 复杂性 complexity; 阶级性 class nature [character]; 可能性 possibility; 灵活性 flexibility; 社会性 social nature; 正确性 correctness
- 不晕〔性〕,齐明〔性: aplanatism