字: character; word写: write得: need很: very; quite; awfully草: grass他的字写得很规矩: his handwriting shows care and training字写得棒: write a good hand字写得不赖: write a good hand他字写得真帅: he writes a beautiful hand这字写得真漂亮: you write a beautiful hand字写得歪歪扭扭: write a poor hand你这笔字写得还不到家: your calligraphy is far from perfect他的字写得不成个儿: his handwriting lacks form文章写得很不连贯: this article is rather incoherent文章写得很简洁: the essay was pithily written写得很差劲的书: an illwritten bookk我们写得很多,可学到的很少: plan more, but accomplish less; we write more, but learn less这篇文章写得很拉杂: the article is very badly organized这本书内容好并且写得很生动: this book is sound in content and lively in style字写入: word write得很: sonid写得棒: speakandwritewell非数字写码: coding nonnumcric数字写码: coding numerit小字写的: written in or in the size or style of minuscules