Pertaining to a particular type of code or punched card utilizing12 - rows per column and usually80 - olumns per card 用于说明一种每列12个孔位、每张卡片通常有80列的穿孔卡或一种特别类型的代码。
Strict control is maintained on every single detail , including color , perforations , edge cutting and the embossed marking 每一个颜色,每个孔位,每一条切边,每个压痕,每个细节的处理,都一丝不苟,力求精美。
3 a set of front - mounted adjustable columns on drill frame is used for adjusting height of mast front - end , which makes it easy to align with hole site 3钻机机架前部设有上下调节立柱及哈夫,可调节桅杆高低国家专利: zl02264791 . 0 ,施工时对孔位快捷方便。
Position the bores according to the product . drill 6 bores respectively with impact driller , after the center line for bolt bore is drawn in the appropriate position on the wall 根据产品安装孔位,在墙面相应位置画出螺钉孔中心线后,用冲击钻分别钻6孔。
A . position the bores according to the product . drill 6 bores respectively with impact driller , after the center line for bolt bore is drawn in the appropriate position on the wall 根据产品安装孔位,在墙面相应位置画出螺钉孔中心线后,用冲击钻分别钻6孔。