There are seventeen graphs and each graph has six points and seven edges . firstly kang qingde and tian zihong have completed two graphs that we can see in [ 7 ] . secondly i have completed three graphs that we can see in [ 8 ] 六点七边图(不带孤立点的简单图)共有17个图,首先在文章[ 7 ]中康庆德和田子红解决了两个图g _ 1和g _ 2 ,然后在文章[ 8 ]中我解决了三个图g _ 3 , g _ 4和g _ 5 。
子: son红: red栗子红: rosa chestnut太子红: red ruby栀子红: gardenia red覆盆子红龈: raspberry red gum复盆子红: raspberry red谷子红叶病: millet red leaf桔子红了: mtv君子红颜: bedtime for bonzo栗子红烧肉: braised pork with chestnuts莲子红豆沙: sweetened red bean paste and lotus seeds soup闽江桔子红: story by the minjiang river嗓子红肿: redness and swelling of throat悬钩子红色: raspbery red阳离子红: cationic red阳离子红2bl: cationic red 2bl阳离子红2gl: cationic red 2gl黑太子红宝石: black prince's ruby; blackprince'sruby; ruby of the black prince蛋小子红白大对抗: round-up分散型阳离子红: dispersible cationic red分子红外线描记器: molecular infrared ray tracer莲子红枣肚片汤: lotus seeds red dates and pork belly soup; lotus seeds,red dates and pork belly soup通天小子红枪客: the kid with a tattoo子狐物: helen the baby fox子洪: zihong