子宫: uterus; womb; hystera; uter- ...缩小: reduce; lessen; narrow; shri ...术: art; skill; technique缩小术: improved reduce; reduce person; shrink鼻缩小术: rhinomiosis高等缩小术: improved reduce群体缩小术: reduce person mass; reduce person, mass人类缩小术: reduce person子宫缩复: uterine retraction子宫缩复环: uterine retraction ring群体人类缩小术: reduce person, mass子宫缩复不良: poor contraction of the uterus宫缩: uterine contraction低张性子宫乏力,低张力宫缩乏力: hypotonic uterine inertia缩小: reduce; lessen; narrow; shrink; reduction; contraction; minification; diminution 缩小差距 narrow [close] the gap(between ... and ...); 缩小范围 reduce the scope; narrow the range; 缩小城乡差别 lessen the difference between the city and countryside; reduce the distinction between town and country; narrow down the difference between town and countryside; 缩小汇价变动幅度 narrower band; narrower margins; narrower fluctuation margins; 缩小货币单位 denomination reduction; downward denomination; 缩小剪刀差 narrowing the scissors differences; reducing the scissors differential; closing the scissors differential; shrink the scissors gap; 缩小贸易逆差 reduce trade deficit; cut our deficit in foreign trade; 缩小同类产品项目 contracting the product line; 缩小再生产 reduced reproduction; 这条裙子的腰身需要缩小。 this skirt needs letting in at the waist. 调查的范围已经缩小到只剩五个人了。 the field of inquiry has narrowed down to five persons假宫缩: braxton hicks contraction; braxton hicks' contraction无宫缩: anodinia产后宫缩痛: afterpains低张性宫缩: hypotonic contraction高张性宫缩: hypertonic contraction宫缩测定计: measuring unit for uterine contraction宫缩乏力: uterine inertia宫缩换能器: uterine contraction transducer宫缩描记: tocograph宫缩描记术: tocography