- hysterotome
- metrotome
- uterotome
- 子宫: uterus; womb; hystera; uter- ...
- 刀: knife; sword
- 子宫: 1.[生理学] uterus (pl. uteri); womb ; hystera; uter-; utero-; metra-; hystero-; hyster-2.[穴位] zigong (extra 16)◇子宫癌 cancer of the uterus (or womb); 子宫出血 uterine hemorrhage; intermenstrual flow; metrorrhagia; polymenorrhea; 子宫后倾 retroversion; 子宫破裂 hysterorrhexis; metrorrhexis; 子宫切除术 uterectomy; metrosteresis; metrectomy; hysterectomy; 子宫脱垂 prolapse of uterus; descensus uterus; falling of the womb; metroptosis; hysteroptosis; 子宫狭窄 metrostenosis; 子宫下垂 hysteroptosis; metroptosis; 子宫炎 [医学] hysteritis; metritis
- 单子宫: simplex uterus; uterus simplex
- 矩阵,子宫: matrix