嫁接: grafting作物: crop的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...基: base; foundation部: part; section; division; reg ...生: give birth to; bear根部: root segment; rhizine; root分: component嫁接作物的上部: top member of graft谷类作物叶的基部: lower part of a cereal leaf基部生长: basal growth木本作物的一种嫁接法: a method of grafting woody plants三生根作物: tertiary root crop复叶叶枕的基部: base of the pulvinus of the compound leaf破坏作物的: anticrop未种作物的: uncropped作物的产量: the output of crops作物的轮作: rotation of crops配质部分,甙配基部分: aglycone moiety对作物的温度: temperature range for crop plants农作物的输送: movement of crop作物的多向性: diversification of crops作物的能含量: energy content of crop作物的需水量: water requirements of crops达到表皮细胞的基部: reach the base of the epidermal cell