

发音:   用"婴儿鼻塞"造句
  • snuffles
  • 婴儿:    baby; infant; nursling; trot ...
  • 鼻塞:    nasal obstruction; have a st ...
  • 婴儿鼻漏:    snuffles
  • 婴儿鼻饲管:    infant feeding tube
  • 鼻塞:    nasal obstruction; have a stuffy nose◇鼻塞症 snuffles; 鼻塞语音 stomatolalia


        婴儿:    baby; infant; nursling; trot ...
        鼻塞:    nasal obstruction; have a st ...
        婴儿鼻漏:    snuffles
        婴儿鼻饲管:    infant feeding tube
        鼻塞:    nasal obstruction; have a stuffy nose◇鼻塞症 snuffles; 鼻塞语音 stomatolalia
        鼻塞,鼻闭:    nasal obstruction
        鼻塞的:    blocked so that breathing is difficult
        鼻塞音:    nasal stop
        鼻塞症:    snuffles
        鼻塞子:    rhinobyon
        护鼻塞:    nose guard
        兔鼻塞:    rabbit snuffles
        婴儿:    baby; infant; nursling; trottie; toto 早产婴儿 prematurely born infant; 试管婴儿 test-tube baby; 给婴儿断奶 wean one's infant; 哄婴儿入睡 hull a baby to sleep; 这婴儿牙牙学语。 the baby babbles.; 婴儿车 perambulator; baby carriage; 婴儿床 infanette; baby's cot; crib; 婴儿猝死综合症 sudden infant death syndrome; crib death; cot death; 婴儿语 babbling
        鼻塞,鼻堵塞:    nasal occlusion
        鼻塞测压计:    rhinomanometer
        鼻塞流涕:    stuffy running nose
        鼻塞语音:    stomatolalia
        鼻塞灼热:    nasal obstruction with heat; obstruction and burning sensation of the nose; pyretic nasal obstruction
        鼻塞灼药:    obstruction and burning sensation of the nose
        感觉鼻塞:    feeling of stuffiness in the nose and anosmia
        假性鼻塞:    false nasal obstruction
        一侧鼻塞音:    unilateral snuffling
        唉,婴儿,婴儿,婴儿,婴儿:    yeah, baby, baby, baby, baby
        新生儿鼻泪管梗阻:    neonatal obstruction of nasolacrimal duct
        新生儿鼻中隔钳:    neonatal nasal septem forceps; neonatal septum forceps


  1. "婴儿保育箱"英文
  2. "婴儿暴毙症"英文
  3. "婴儿背带"英文
  4. "婴儿被"英文
  5. "婴儿鼻漏"英文
  6. "婴儿鼻饲管"英文
  7. "婴儿便秘"英文
  8. "婴儿病"英文
  9. "婴儿病学"英文
  10. "婴儿不明原因猝死"英文


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