Ah , " added the count , in a contemptuous tone , " do not tell me of european punishments , they are in the infancy , or rather the old age , of cruelty . 伯爵用一种轻视的口吻继续说道, “别向我谈起欧洲的刑法,以残酷而论,与其说还在婴儿时代,倒不如说,简直已到了暮年啦。 ”
Gonde were the results of the painful struggle of civilization in its infancy , when man was learning to control mind , were it even by an emissary from the realms of darkness 译注是文化在它婴儿时代痛苦挣扎的产物,那时人类正在学习控制思想,所以即使从黑暗世界里派来的使者也会受欢迎。
婴儿: baby; infant; nursling; trot ...时代: times; age; era; epoch婴儿时期: babyhood在婴儿时期: in the cradle少儿时代: childhood胳肢婴儿时用: kuchi kuchi koo幼儿时代的鸡: baby chick婴儿潮时代: baby boom看到一个新生婴儿时: seeing a newlyborn babyy忆儿时: my dear old sunny home婴儿: baby; infant; nursling; trottie; toto 早产婴儿 prematurely born infant; 试管婴儿 test-tube baby; 给婴儿断奶 wean one's infant; 哄婴儿入睡 hull a baby to sleep; 这婴儿牙牙学语。 the baby babbles.; 婴儿车 perambulator; baby carriage; 婴儿床 infanette; baby's cot; crib; 婴儿猝死综合症 sudden infant death syndrome; crib death; cot death; 婴儿语 babbling 时代: 1.(时期)times; age; era; epoch 时代潮流 the tendency of the day; the trend of the times; 时代使命感sense of time mission; 划时代的大事 the epoch-making event; 开辟航海新时代open (up) an new era of navigation: 过渡时代 transitional era; 远古时代 ancient [remote] epochs; 文艺复兴是一个文化上取得空前成熟的时代。the renaissance was an epoch of unparalleled cultural achievement.2.(生命中的某个时期)a period in one's life:青年时代youth; 时代性 epochal character; 时代主流 mainstream of the times儿时的回忆: souvenirs denfance儿时的梦幻: dream of childhood儿时回忆: chdhood memory; child memory; souvenire d'enfange; souvenirs denfance; souvenirs denfane儿时记趣: pete and repeat儿时记忆: memory of childhood儿时情景: kinderscenen; scenes from childhood; scenes of chidhood; von jeremden landern und menschen儿时所学: what is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave儿时往事: childhood things女儿时期: daughterhood小儿时行痿: poliomyelitis唉,婴儿,婴儿,婴儿,婴儿: yeah, baby, baby, baby, baby儿时的点点滴: only yesterday记忆回到儿时: memories go back to childhood