婴儿: baby; infant; nursling; trot ...体重: weight称: call婴儿体重计: pedobarometer婴儿体重弹簧秤: baby spring scale婴儿体重身长计: pedobaromacrometer婴儿体重小于胎龄: infant underweight for gestational age体重称: doctor's type scale自动体重称: automatic weighting scale胎儿体重: fetal weight小儿体重计: pedobarometer合于胎龄儿,婴儿体重与孕期符合: appropriate for date婴儿体操: exercise for baby带盘新生儿体重秤: new born baby scale with plate低体重婴儿: small for dates infants带篮的新生儿体重秤: new born baby scale with basket新生儿体重身长测定器: baromacrometer中等出生体重,中等新生儿体重: medium birth weight出生体重过低婴儿: low-birth-weight baby低出生体重婴儿: infant low birth weight极低出生体重婴儿: extremely low brith weight infants; very low birth weight infant婴儿出生体重过低: low-birth weight婴儿出生与体重: baby birth &am weight; baby birth &weight正常出生体重婴儿: normal birth weight infant超声波估价胎儿体重及成熟: ultrasonic estimation of fetal weight and maturity