妇女: woman非洲: Africa问题: question; problem委员会: committee; commission; counc ...美国非洲问题委员会: american committee on africa西南非洲问题委员会: committee on south west africa英联邦外交部长南部非洲问题委员会: committee of foreign ministers of the commonwealth on southern africa西南非洲问题特设委员会: ad hoc committee for south west africa; hoc committee for south west africa西南非洲问题斡旋委员会: good offices committee on south west africa妇女劳工问题委员会: commission on women's labour非洲国际法与非洲问题会议常设委员会: standing committee of the african conference on international law and african problems非洲统一组织南部非洲问题特设委员会: hoc committee of the oraganization of africa unity on southern africa联合国西南非洲问题特设委员会: united nations special committee for south west africa秘书处雇佣妇女问题委员会: committeeontheemploymentofwomeninthesecretariat非洲动物锥虫病问题委员会: commission on african animal trypanosomiasis法律问题委员会: committee on legal questions; legal committee柬埔寨问题委员会: committee on kampuchea农业问题委员会: committee on agricultural problems人口问题委员会: committee on population弱智问题委员会: committee on mental retardation商品问题委员会: ccp; committee on commodity problems特定问题委员会: committee of inquiry into special questions未来问题委员会: commission on the future文化问题委员会: cultural questions committee南部非洲问题国家元首和政府首脑特设委员会: hoc committee of heads of state and government on southern africa