如: in compliance with; accordin ...一般: same as; just like的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...邪恶: evil; ill; wicked; vicious叛逆的邪恶: chaotic evil守法的邪恶: lawful evil中立的邪恶: neutral evil道德上的邪恶: moral evil象黑夜一样漆黑: black as the dark night she was一般的: average; common; conventional; ecumenical; general cis controls; generell adj; generic; genl; in general; ordinary; overhead; plain; plebeian; prevailing; prevalent; prosaic - exceptional / imaginary / exciting; ruling; run of the mill; satisfactory; wide人类的邪恶灵魂: the spirit of evil in man夜一: apocalypse; shihouin yoruichi; yoruichi巴姆的邪恶联盟 第一季: bam's unholy union season 1恐怖主义的邪恶之源: demon lover the: roots of terrorism; demon lover, the: roots of terrorism莫洛(克林贡古代的邪恶君王): molor至今仍在作祟的邪恶势力: the forces of evil still at work today比一般的: dvdrip长相一般的: ordinary-looking; ordinarylookingg虫一般的人: worm传统的,一般的: conventional刺一般的: stinging大钉一般的: spiky雕像一般的: statuesque断株一般的: stubbly; stubby缎子一般的: satin