如果: if; in case; in the event of ...可能: possible; probable; can; may您: you可以: can; may用: 40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...三段论法: syllogism如果可能的话: if possible采用三段论法: ratiocinate用三段论法论: syllogise; syllogize如果可能的话尽快……: as soon as is necessary如果可以的话: use the internet if you can三段论法的: syllogistic三段论法规则: rule of syllogism三段论法式地: syllogistically省略三段论法: enthymeme如果可能: if possible one may.... there are many examples of 如果可以: and if it's quite all right; if it's alright可能(的话)、可以(的话): puwede三段论的可能式: performable expression of categorical syllogism可能的话: where feasible如果可能,我谨再来: and if it happens again i might move三段论: [数学] syllogism◇三段论法 [逻辑学] syllogism如果可以停止杀戮: if this can really stop the war如果可能采用类似的设计: be of similar design if possible可能的话轮转移点: turn transition-relevance place