如果: if; in case; in the event of ...你: you乘: historical works飞机: airplane; plane; aeroplane; ...去: go; leave总得: must; have to; be bound to乘飞机去: go by aeroplane乘飞机: be air, by plane; by air (bus, train, ship); by air (plane); by air, by plane; by airplane; byair,byplane; emplane; enplane; going abroad by plane; going by plane; take the flight; taking a plane; travel by air / train; travel by plane我坐飞机去: i go there by plain坐飞机去: go by air乘飞机出国: unit one: going abroad by air乘飞机回国: students depart乘飞机旅行: travel by air乘飞机时间: flying time乘飞机远行: leaving on a jet plane搭乘飞机: enplane; taking a flight; travel by air使乘飞机: emplane我坐飞机去的: i got there by plane搭乘飞机旅行: travelins by air(Ⅰ); travelins by air(Ⅱ)搭下一班飞机去: leave by next plane可如果你说: you’re in the pink如果你爱我: if you love me如果你不会: ps如果你吃醋: if you are jealous she says it's bad; if you are jealous, she says it's bad如果你从: special english