如果: if; in case; in the event of ...以: use; take观点: point of view; viewpoint; st ...看: see; look at; watch这个: this one; this问题: question; problem如果你想解决这个问题: if you want to solve the problem you had better find out the principal contradiction从长远观点看问题: from a long term point of view用历史观点看问题: look at the problem from a historical point of view观点看: arguing from the view如果这个问题需要我们一同解决: if there's a problem we should work it out避讳这个问题: evade the issue回答这个问题: answer the question纠缠这个问题: entangle this issue讨论这个问题: discuss the issue; discuss this question我们在这个问题上观点相同但出发点不一样: we hold similar views on this issue but out of different considerations并非所有的作者都赞同这种观点: all authors have not accepted this view但是,这种观点是站不住脚的。(论据): this argument, however, does not hold water这种观点没有得到广泛的承认: the view has not received wide acceptance. give diplomatic recognition一种观点: a point of view我正要谈这个问题: i'm just coming to that point这个问题处理失当: this problem was not properly handled这个问题错综复杂: it is a complicated problem这个问题好回答: this question is easy to answer这个问题很难解决: defies solution ; the problem defies solution