如: in compliance with; accordin ...大: big; large钟: bell等: class; grade; rank发出: issue; send out; give out; d ...声音: sound; voice蛇等发出的声音: hiss表示突然疼痛所发出之声: ow钟等声音均匀: in beat鼓所发出之音: tum如大钟寺古钟博物馆: ancient bell museum of great bell temple钟等声音不均匀: out of beat(钟声等发出的)滴答声: tick爱之声音: the voice of love发出的声音: a child does not learn the language all at once. the child's first utterances发出声音: make a sound; make sounds泄露,发出声音: let out发出摩擦之声: from friction发出(光、声音等),散发出(气味): give off大钟: ang batingaw; big ben; large bell; large cone; ogane; okane; ta chung; the big clock发出刺耳声音: jar发出洪亮声音: boom 1发出声音的人: sounder发出呜咽声音: sob发出喧闹声音: make noise