自为之物: [哲学] things-for-itself自为之有: being for itself; beingforitselflf自为: beingforitself; pour-soi为之: tameyuki自为病: factitious disorder宝侨好自在: & g / whisper管好自己,用脑: to handle yourself, use your head讨好自己: ingratiate oneself; please myself愚而好自用: stupid but willful胡为之: weizhi hu为之辅: tamenosuke为之介: tamenosuke为之进: tamenoshin为之佑: tamenosuke为之助: tamenosuke为之资: tamenosuke为之佐: tamenosuke为之丞: tamenojo郑为之: zheng weizhi各自为战: fight the enemy separately; each fights his own battle各自为政: act of one's own free will; each administers in his own way.; everyone goes his own way.; lack of coordination; with everyone going his own way; work each for himself人自为战: everybody fights all by himself.; each man fights for himself.; each one must be prepared for battle善自为谋: be apt at devising a good plan for oneself; able to take good care of oneself; capable in planning [working] for one's own interests; give a problem careful consideration; give one's full consideration to sth.; good at looking after oneself; know how to take care of oneself; look after [take care of] number one; look after one's own interests自为存在: being for self; beingforitself; beingforselflf好自我反省的人: an introspective person好子: yoshiko