

发音:   用"好汉歌"造句
  • a song to tough guys
  • djbobo remix
  • 好汉:    brave man; true man; hero
  • :    song
  • 好汉:    brave man; true man; hero 好汉惜好汉。 heroes are attracted to heroes. 好汉一言, 快马一鞭。 a brave fellow is as good as his words, a swift horse needs no spurring. 不到长城非好汉。 he who doesn't reach the great wall is not a true man
  • 充好汉:    pose as a hero
  • 好汉报:    gaillard le; le gaillard


  1. 7 theme from tv series the water margin song of the valiant


        好汉:    brave man; true man; hero
        :    song
        好汉:    brave man; true man; hero 好汉惜好汉。 heroes are attracted to heroes. 好汉一言, 快马一鞭。 a brave fellow is as good as his words, a swift horse needs no spurring. 不到长城非好汉。 he who doesn't reach the great wall is not a true man
        充好汉:    pose as a hero
        好汉报:    gaillard le; le gaillard
        好汉子:    no.a regular brick
        heroes好汉惜好汉:    heroes are attracted to
        好汉做事好汉当:    a true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his own actions
        超级好汉狗:    underdog
        打工好汉:    gung ho
        方谓好汉:    he who knows how to fight and how to retreat deserves to be called a brave man
        好汉不回头:    reform
        好汉两个半:    two and a half men
        好汉三条半:    hao han san tiao ban
        好汉无好妻:    marriage goes by contrasts
        好汉与孬种:    aile ou la cuisse l'; the wing and the thigh
        救难小好汉:    the rescuers
        六筹好汉:    six big fellows
        绿林好汉:    1.(绿林英雄) heroes of the greenwood; forest outlaws; robin hood and his men in the green woods; an outlaw becoming a popular hero through his daring exploits on behalf of an oppressed populace; heroes of the forest2.(聚集山林的强盗集团) a band of bandits
        三个好汉:    three kings
        三条好汉:    three kings
        瞎充好汉:    bluff 2
        英雄好汉:    heroes; doughty warriors; good brave fellows
        硬充好汉:    act the hero
        惺惺惜惺惺,好汉识好汉:    Intelligent people like intelligence in others,and so good folk recognize the good in others.Clever people like clever people.The wise appreciate one another.The astute and the gallant each cherish their own kind.The astute spare the astute,and the brave know the brave.


  1. "好汉不吃眼前亏"英文
  2. "好汉不打,不成相识"英文
  3. "好汉不打不成相识"英文
  4. "好汉不回头"英文
  5. "好汉不提当年勇"英文
  6. "好汉两个半"英文
  7. "好汉两个半第1季"英文
  8. "好汉两个半第2季"英文
  9. "好汉两个半第4季"英文
  10. "好汉三条半"英文


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