想: think; ponder嫁: marry给: supply; provide他: he真想嫁给你: my best friend's wedding嫁给他: marry him我不想嫁给“温吞水”男人: i couldn't marry a slow man伊丽莎白想嫁给谁: who does elizabeth want to marry把责任转嫁给他人: put the blame on someone else她因爱而嫁给他: she has married him for love嫁给他,但是遭到了拒绝: jane他苦苦地哀求她嫁给他。: he entreated her piteously to marry him嫁给: to get married to marry mongo niyalma de tusumbi好想好想: very think好想好想你: thinkin' about you好想被: tjjtds好想你: i miss you; miss you much; the very thought of you我好想: vbr lv0嫁给我: marry me使嫁给: wed转嫁给: impute to好好想想: think it over好想爱你: really want to love you好想吃火腿: schinken好想看到你: iwanttoseeyoumoreandmore