

  • ambivalent
  • 好恶:    likes and dislikes
  • 相克:    restriction or checking rela ...
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • 相克的:    antagonistic
  • 相克的次序:    the interacting order


        好恶:    likes and dislikes
        相克:    restriction or checking rela ...
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        相克的:    antagonistic
        相克的次序:    the interacting order
        恶相:    evil or angry countenance
        好恶:    likes and dislikes; taste 翻译时不应根据自己的好恶改变原文的意思。 in doing translation, one should not alter the meaning of the original to suit one's own taste
        相克:    restriction or checking relation in five elements
        好恶、爱憎:    likes and dislikes
        同恶相济:    conspire with someone in illegal acts; aid and abet each other in wrongdoings; evildoers collude [collaborate] with each other.; take part in a conspiracy with sb.; the wicked help the wicked
        好恶调查表:    likes and dislikes survey; likesanddislike urvey
        好恶无常:    blow1
        好恶心呀!:    disgusting
        好恶作剧的:    capersome; elfish
        悟无好恶:    with enlightenment there is no liking and disliking
        病色相克:    disagreement between disease and complexion
        力力相克:    conflict of forces
        五行相克:    inter inhibition of the five elements; inter-inhibition of five elements; inter-inhibition of the five elements; interacting relation of the five elements; restriction among five elements; restriction in the five elements; restriction of checking relation in five elements
        相克生物:    antibiont
        相克顺序:    the normal order of restriction; the order of interacting
        相克症状的:    anipathic; antipathic
        相克作用:    antagonism
        相生相克:    reinforce [counteract] each other; mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements; mutually reinforce [neutralize] each other
        营养相克性:    nutritional antagonism
        植化相克:    allelopathy



  1. "好多时间我经常说"英文
  2. "好恶"英文
  3. "好恶、爱憎"英文
  4. "好恶调查表"英文
  5. "好恶无常"英文
  6. "好恶心呀!"英文
  7. "好恶作剧的"英文
  8. "好饿的毛毛虫"英文
  9. "好饿好饿的毛毛虫"英文
  10. "好儿好女"英文


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