她的: her; hers上衣: upper outer garment; jacket; ...上: upper; up; upward别: change一枚: a别致: original in style; unique的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...做: make; manufacture; produce为: support; stand for点缀: embellish; adorn; stud在外套上别一枚徽章: pin a badge on one's jacket我的上衣上全是泥: mashed vegetable or fruit别致的: chic; unique捏住一枚别针: hold a pin with one她的胸: lust for bust别致的发夹: fancy hair clips别致的款式: chic别致的羽毛: exotic plumage小巧别致的: quaint别致的玩意儿: gimmick宽松的上衣: blouse破旧的上衣: worn out coats除去上衣上的油污: remove grease from one's coat去掉上衣上的污迹: remove smudginess from one's coat在上衣上戴一朵花: wear a flower in one's coat