她: she向: direction那: a surname位: place; location漂亮: handsome; good-looking; pret ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...男演员: actor暗送秋波: make eyes at a man; cast she ...暗送秋波: make eyes at a man [woman] (while others are not looking); cast sheep's eyes at one of the opposite sex; convey one's love by stealing a look; leer at; make secret overtures to sb.; ogle (at); secretly to cast flirtatious looks at sb.; send silent and endearing messages with bewitchings eyes; stealthily to give sb. the glad eye; stealthily to send speechless messages 她向那位漂亮的男演员暗送秋波。 she made eyes at the handsome actor漂亮的男孩: pretty boy漂亮的男子: a goodly man送秋波: flirt with; leer at; ogle噢漂亮的男孩: oh pretty boy秋波暗送: send silent and endearing messages with bewitching eyes〔法语〕 扮演少年主角的男演员。: jeune premier极受女子赞赏的男演员: a matinee idol ie an actor greatly admired by women大送秋波: send speechless messages from the eyes; flash amorous glances; make eyes at苛人送秋波: cast sheep’s eyes at somebody漫送秋波: make eyes目送秋波: to show love with eyesights斜视,送秋波: leer斜眼看,送秋波: leer送秋波;眉来眼去: flirt with向某人送秋波: make eyes at sb他是一个漂亮的男孩: he is a good looking bay