女人: woman故事: story; tale标绘个人故事: plot-your-own-stories小城畸人故事集: winesburg ohio真实的机器人故事: battlefever robot女人的故事: women’s story九个女人的故事: nine woman'story七个女人的故事: things you can tell just by looking at her三个女人的故事: silsilay中国女人的故事: wild swans名人故居: bekas tempat tinggal orang ternama袭人故智: copy an old trick女人: woman; womenfolk 有才能的女人 an accomplished woman男人认为女人有讲陈腐故事的才能: the males think the females have talent for telling stale tales故事: 1.(用作讲述的事情) story; tale 编造故事 fabricate [invent] a story; 讲故事 relate a tale; tell a story; 黄色故事 blue story; dirty story; 历史传奇故事 stories both historical and legendary; 神话故事 a fairy story; 民间故事 folktale; folk story2.(情节) plot; 故事画报 storyboard; 故事会 a gathering at which stories are told; story-telling session; 故事 (影)片 film-picture; feature film; photoplay; 故事员 storyteller 坏女人、好女人: bad woman good woman; mbc badwoman女人taxi女人: woman-taxi-woman女人啊!女人: pretty woman女人女人: dangerous (film); woman woman女人泡女人: if these walls could talk 2; if_these_walls_could_talk爱女人: philogyny笨女人: a dumb dora丑女人: lemon大女人: bigwomen; club remix疯女人: diary of a mad black woman; madwoman