女人: woman易: easy做: make; manufacture; produce契妈唔易做: to catch a thief师奶唔易做: my mother is a belly dancer靓太唔易做: desperate housewives太唔易做 (第二季): desperate housewives (season 2)太唔易做 (第一季): desperate housewives (season 1)女人不易做: la femme desperado同人唔同命: not all peaple have the same fate女人: woman; womenfolk 有才能的女人 an accomplished woman不容易做到: thats not easy to dothats轻易做某事: take something in stride容易做的事: thing that is very easy to do使容易做: facilitation facilitation易做的事: soft touch; softtouch易做之事: pushover简单易做的事: (piece of) cake贸易做法灵活: easy contracts and flexible trading methods容易做的事情: duck soup特殊贸易做法: particular forms of foreign trade坏女人、好女人: bad woman good woman; mbc badwoman女人taxi女人: woman-taxi-woman女人啊!女人: pretty woman女人女人: dangerous (film); woman woman