奥: profound; abstruse; difficul ...顺: in the same direction as; wi ...奥斯: aass; al aws; amyrtaios; aos; ars; auz; awes; aws al; hausse; hoss; hoz; oerth; oos; oss奥税: oshwe奥斯昂纳斯普: osse en aspe; osse-en-aspe奥树: okuki奥斯巴保护东北大西洋海洋环境委员会: ospar commission for the protection of the marine environment of the north-east atlantic奥术专注: arcane concentration奥斯巴尔: ausbart; ossbahr奥术智慧: arcane intellect奥斯巴勒: arsballe奥术兄弟会法师: mage of the arcane order