Here and there in the long street of st . honor , cries are raised against him 在圣奥诺雷长长的街道上不时有人对他发出叫喊。
An urgent case in the rue st . honor , he said . it would not detain me , he had a coach in waiting “他说圣奥诺雷街有人得了急病,不会耽误我多少时间,他有马车等候。
Thus , in the town , one descended in a straight line from the porte saint - antoine to the porte saint - honor in the university from the porte saint - victor to the porte saint - germain 这样,在新城,从圣安东门可以笔直地到达圣奥诺雷门;在大学城,可以从圣维克多门直至圣日耳曼门。