Now scientists are using multi - spectral imaging techniques developed from satellite technology to read the papyri at oxford university ' s sackler library 现在,科学家利用从卫星技术发展来的多光谱成像技术来解读牛津大学萨克勒图书馆保管的埃及奥斯莱卡浦草纸古卷。
Now , in a breakthrough described as the classical equivalent of finding the holy grail , oxford university scientists have employed infra - red technology to open up the hoard , known as the oxyrhynchus papyri , and with it the prospect that hundreds of lost greek comedies , tragedies and epic poems will soon be revealed 牛津大学的科学家运用远红外技术揭开了被称为埃及奥斯莱卡浦草纸古卷的文物,这一突破性的成果被称为和发现圣杯的意义一样重大,这意味着几百部遗失的古希腊喜剧、悲剧和史诗即将重现天日。