The analogy between auschwitz and oak ridge seems forced . 奥斯威辛和橡树岭之间的相似之处似乎是牵强附会的。
So i stumbled out into dreary snowy oswiecim . 于是,我踉踉跄跄离开,走近了白雪覆盖着的阴沉凄凉的奥斯威辛。
Some have already been gassed in auschwitz, their american citizenship has become a useless mockery . 有些人已经在奥斯威辛给毒气熏死了,他们的美国国籍全成了无济于事的笑柄。
The microfilmed documents and pictures he brought from oswiecim did reach switzerland and these may be figuring in the accounts . 他从奥斯威辛带出来的用缩微胶卷拍摄的文件和照片已经送到了瑞士。这些文件和照片也许正在起一些作用。
There is no place to pray at auschwitz 在奥斯威辛,没有地方可以祈祷。