The victories of the french at jena and at auerstadt destroyed the independent existence of prussia 法国人在耶拿和奥尔施泰特的胜利,使普鲁士丧失了独立。
They had no place in his theory and could not be made a subject for science at all . in 1806 pfuhl had been one of those responsible for the plan of campaign that ended in jena and auerstadt 一八六年,普弗尔是结束于耶那和奥尔施泰特的那场战争的计划拟定人之一但是在这场战争的结局中他没有看见自己的理论有任何错误。
The most suitable fte the germans could think of in his honour was the celebration of jena and auerstadt . not only is he great ; his forefathers , his brothers , his step - children , and his brothers - in - law are great too 日耳曼人为他想出的最好庆典是耶拿和奥尔施泰特的庆祝活动,不仅他是个伟人,连他的祖先兄弟养子和妹夫都很伟大。
Towards the end of the year 1806 , when all the melancholy details of napoleons destruction of the prussian army at jena and auerstadt , and the surrender of the greater number of the prussian forts , had arrived , when our troops were already entering prussia , and our second war with napoleon was beginning , anna pavlovna was giving one of her 一八六年年后,当我们获得有关拿破仑在那拿和奥尔施泰特两地歼灭普鲁士军队普军放弃大部分要塞的可悲的详细情报的时候,当我国部队已经开进普鲁士并且对拿破仑发动第二次战争的时候,安娜帕夫洛夫娜在自己家中举办了一次晚会。