When she played the role , she had to be there , she had to be cleopatra 当她在演戏时,她应该成为克莉奥佩德拉。
A guy named natalio perez who lives in the hills and joined the guerrilla 名叫拿塔尼奥佩智住在山网,加入了游击队
A beach of historical interest is cleopatra ' s beach on sedir island , turkey 有个有历史意义的海滩是土耳其瑟得尔岛上的克丽奥佩特拉海滩。
" one of the best ways to maintain security is not to talk about it , " culture ministry under - secretary and turin games chief mario pescante told reuters in an interview . " but none of the delegations are concerned about our security 都灵冬奥会主管马里奥佩斯坎特8日在接受媒体采访时说: “做好安保工作的最有效方法之一就是不要喋喋不休地去谈论它,虽然我们不谈论它,但没有一家代表团为此而表示担心。