What experience does is merely to confirm and consecrate our confident dream . 经验之作用无非在于把我们充满自信心的梦境肯定下来,奉为神圣不可侵犯而已。
The traditional separation of research and development enshrined by bush in 1945 is rapidly disappearing , especially in the information - technology industry 被布什1945年奉为神圣的研究和开发的分离传统迅速消失,特别是在信息技术产业。
Being forced by the senate to assume the government of the state after the death of the deified pius , marcus made his brother his colleague in the empire , giving him the name lucius aurelius verus commodus and bestowing on him the titles caesar and augustus 皮乌斯死后被奉为神圣,而马尔库斯被元老院强行推上皇位,他任命他的兄弟作为同事,给他改名为卢修斯?奥利留斯?维鲁斯?康茂德,而且授予他恺撒和奥古斯都的称号。
Louis xvi was executed because they said he was dishonourable and a criminal the idea crossed pierres mind , and they were right from their point of view just as those were right too who died a martyrs death for his sake , and canonised him as a saint “路易十六被处以死刑,是因为他们说他寡廉鲜耻,罪恶累累皮埃尔忽然想起这件事,他们从自己的观点看来是对的,正如那些为他而折磨致死,将他奉为神圣的人,也是对的。
奉: give; present; dedicate为: support; stand for神圣: sacred; holy不奉为神圣: disanoint奉为神圣,珍藏: enshrine奉为神圣的: oblate奉为神: consecrate; deify奉祀于庙堂中,奉为神圣: enshrine奉为神,崇拜: deify使成为神圣: sancire to render sacred视为神圣: hallow视为神圣的: hallowed; regarded as sacred consecrated引申为神圣: crypha视某事为神圣的职责: regard sth as a sacred duty他把它们作为神圣的传家宝留给了孩子们: he left them as sacred heirlooms to his children神圣: sacred; holy 神圣权利 sacred right; 神圣使命 sacred mission [task]; 神圣事业 sacred cause; 神圣职责 sacred duty; 亵渎它的神圣 pollute its holiness; 它被民众认为是神圣的。 it is sacred in popular belief尊为神: apotheosize祀为神: deification; deify奉为典范: look upon as a model believe in奉为圭臬: look up to as the standard [as a model]; take sth. as the pattern奉为经典: regard sth. as canons [classics]奉为楷模: hold up as a model; regard [take] sth. [sb.] as an example; look upon sth. as a pattern [model]奉为名人: lionize奉为偶像: idolatrize奉为至宝: value highly..