奇: strange; queer; rare; uncomm ...犬: dog良缘: happy match; harmonious unio ...良缘: happy match; harmonious union; good match for marriage舒柏奇犬: schipperke良缘寺: ryoenji巴士良缘: you can't run away from it宝剑结良缘: our matchmaker, the sword宝马良缘: horse in the gray flannel the错结良缘: a baby makes three缔结良缘: form marital ties锦绣良缘: colourful life; sunrise, sunset良缘巧遇: the art of love良缘知己: walking and talking奇缘结良缘: lady fan巧错结良缘: qiao cuo jie liang yuan天赐良缘: a godsent marriage喜结良缘: tie the nuptial knot西帕凯犬(又称舒柏奇犬): schipperke烽火奇遇结良缘: lady fan花都奇遇结良缘: charade花都奇缘结良缘: charade金玉良缘红楼梦: jin yu liang yuan gong lou meng; the dream of the red chamber卡通奇遇结良缘: cool world圣诞奇遇结良缘: christmas romance