I had other duties . the people had to be appeased . many other victims have perished and are perishing for the public good , he thought ; and he began to reflect on the social duties he had towards his family and towards the city intrusted to his care ; and on himselfnot as fyodor vassilyevitch rastoptchin he assumed that fyodor vassilyevitch rastoptchin was sacrificing himself for “ javais dautres devoirs , ”他想, “ il fallait apaiser le peuplebien dautres victimes ont pri et prissent pour le bien publique ”于是,他转而去想他所担负的责任:对他的家庭,对他的即委托给他的都城,以及对他自己所负的责任不是想费多尔瓦西里耶维奇拉斯普钦他认为费瓦拉斯托普钦正为bien publique作自我牺牲,而是想那个作为总督,权力的代表和沙皇的全权代表的他。