夹: double-layered; lined中: hit; fit exactly目标: target; objective夹中目奈: pepper target打不中目标: miss one's aim打中目标: hit the mark击中目标: collision; hit the target; score a hit; to hit a target集中目标: concentrate on the same target空中目标: aerial attacker; aerial objective; aerial target; air attacker; air target; air-suported target; atmospheric target命中目标: hit; target round未击中目标: missed target未中目标: to miss the target未中目标的: wild正中目标: bang on; be dead on the target中目标游戏: target game单个空中目标: point air target导弹命中目标: missile-target impact低速空中目标: low-speed air target发现空中目标: air contact击毁空中目标: air target kill空中目标捕捉: aircraft target acquisition空中目标航迹: track of the target aircraft空中目标截击: aerial targer interception空中目标识别: aerial identification空中目标位置: aerial target position