头: 5点就得动身 have to start before ...转眼: in the twinkling of an eye; ...睛: eyeball椭圆: oval; oval-shaped; ellipse; ...转眼睛: rolled their eyes转眼: 1.(形容一刹那的时间) in the twinkling of an eye; in an instant; in a flash 转眼就睡着了 fall asleep in a trice2.(眼球的旋转运动) vergence一转眼: in two twos转眼钩: reverse eye hook转眼间: before you can say jack robinson眼睛: eye; lamp; opto- 擦亮眼睛 keep one's eyes open; 眼睛发花 daze; 眼睛的错觉 ocular illusions; 闭上你的眼睛。 shut your eyes掉头转: a u-turn椭圆: [数学] oval; oval-shaped; ellipse; ellipsoid◇椭圆规 ellipsograph; [图] elliptic trammel; 椭圆轨道 elliptic orbit; ellipse; 椭圆截面 oval cross section; 椭圆体 ellipsoid; 椭圆星云 [天文学] elliptical nebula; 椭圆运动 elliptic motion; 椭圆再入轨道 elliptic reentrance orbit; 椭圆柱面 elliptic cylinder; elliptic cylindric surface; 椭圆锥面 elliptic cone; 椭圆坐标 elliptic coordinates即刻, 转眼之间: in the turning of a hand颈扭转眼震: cervical torsion nystagmus立刻;一转眼: in two twos逆转眼镜: inverting lens一眨眼,转眼间: in the twinkling of an eye一转眼工夫: in no/good time; second 2转眼便忘: out of sight, out of mind转眼不见: in the twinkling of an eye it ceases to exist [disappears]转眼成空: vanished in the twinkling of an eye; in the twinkling of an eye, it is gone -- the vanity of life转眼工夫: in转眼间, 突然: before you can say jack robinson转眼之间: in the twinkling of an eye; in a trice ; in the turn [turning] of a hand; (as) swift as a wink镜头转换 镜头转换: transitionofshots