偏头疼: hemicrania头疼,头痛: cephalagia头疼的: for the brain-wasting我头疼: i have a headache and she has a stomachache; related expression患伤风头疼: have a cold in the head/on the chest慢性头疼: fascetti was right. the boy was a constant headache她让我头疼: she gives me a headache头疼脑热: headache and slight fever; slight illness头疼治法: exercise for headache我头疼,她胃疼。: i have a headache, and she has a stomachache治疗头疼: cure headache得头疼波流感: have a headache喉头疼痛部位: a sore spot in the throat让人感到头疼: chasomebody hide我头疼,她胃疼。i: i have a headache, and she has a stomachache好厉害的醉后头疼: fat hangovers; rs好犀利的醉后头疼: fat hangovers极端令人头疼的: nerve-wracking令人头疼的啄木鸟: birds and rockets in-flight屈光不正性头疼: angina capitis我的头疼的厉害: i had a big headache令人头疼的考试和老师: headache exams and teachers那淘气的男孩借口头疼离开了教室: the naughty boy left the classroom on the plea of a headache头套: actor's headgear头台: toutai头胎危机: first child crisis
头疼的法语:avoir mal à la têt头疼的日语:等同于(请查阅) tóu//tòng【头痛】头疼的韩语:(1)[명사] 두통. 想到他就有点儿头疼; 그를 생각하기만 하면 골치가 아프다 (2)[형용사] 머리[골치]가 아프다.头疼的俄语:[tóuténg] см. 头痛头疼的阿拉伯语:صُدَاع; 头疼的印尼文:pening; 头疼什么意思:tóuténg 头痛。