

发音:   用"头发长见识短"造句
  • have long hair but short wit
  • long hair little brains
  • 头发:    hair; pile; hair on human he ...
  • 长见识:    increase one's knowledge; ga ...
  • :    short; brief
  • 头发长,见识短:    have long hair but short wit
  • 见识短:    not to be able to see beyond one's nose


        头发:    hair; pile; hair on human he ...
        长见识:    increase one's knowledge; ga ...
        :    short; brief
        头发长,见识短:    have long hair but short wit
        见识短:    not to be able to see beyond one's nose
        长见识:    increase one's knowledge; gain experience
        头发长:    nagoya
        见识短浅:    lacking knowledge and experience; shallow
        动物园里长见识:    zoos can help
        增长见识, 扩大眼界:    open the mind
        长见:    nagami
        我的头发长得很长了:    my hair has grown very long
        见识:    1.(扩大见闻) widen one's knowledge; enrich one's experience 到各处走走, 见识见识也是好的。 it's not a bad idea to go around a bit and gain experience.2.(见闻; 知识) experience; knowledge; sensibleness 长见识 widen one's knowledge; broaden one's horizons; 有深远见识的人 a man of deep insight; 他是一个有见识的人。 he is a man of rich experience. 他那样对待你是不对的, 你别和他一般见识。 he's behaved badly towards you, but a sensible person like you shouldn't want to take him up on it
        发长音:    prolong
        研发长:    dean of reserch and development affairs; director of r&d division
        头发:    hair; pile; hair on human head 头发长, 见识短 (said of women) have long hair but short wit; 头发胡子一把抓 handle different things with the same method; 他的头发已灰白了。his hair has turned grey. 她已有几根白头发。 she has already had a few white hairs
        大长见闻:    be a great eye-opener to sb
        增长见闻:    add to one's knowledge
        顿悟,见识:    insight
        见识,智慧:    sense
        没见识:    inexperienced and ignorant; unlearned and provincial
        有见识:    have a good head on one's shoulders; have an insight into character
        晶粒自发长大:    spontaneous grain growth
        平均突发长度:    average burst length
        最大突发长度:    maximum burst size


  1. "头发白纹"英文
  2. "头发斑白"英文
  3. "头发斑白的"英文
  4. "头发长"英文
  5. "头发长,见识短"英文
  6. "头发呈紫铜色的人"英文
  7. "头发吹风器"英文
  8. "头发打扮"英文
  9. "头发打结"英文
  10. "头发的故事"英文


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