失去: lose的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...世界: world; global; earth失去的世界小说: the lost world失去的: bereft; lost缺掉的,失去的: missing失去的10年: lost decade失去的爱: lost in love; lost love失去的爱情: lost love; parted lovers失去的大陆: continente perduto失去的东西: what was lost失去的歌声: the lost song失去的顾客: lost customer失去的孩子: figlio perduto失去的机会: lost opportunity失去的梦: the lost dream失去的权利: a forfeited right失去的群集: lost cluster失去的圣杯: indiana jones and the last crusade; the last crusade失去的十年: lost decade失去的天堂: paradise lost失去的王子: the lost prince失去的拥抱: el abrazo partido,; lost embrace失去的周末: the lost weekend失去的周未: the lost weekend