Observation on relation of acupuncture at guangming and taichong with central nervous reaction 太冲穴与中枢神经相关效应的观察
Emmeniopathy is often treated by regulating qi and blood , reinforcing viscera and harmonizing thoroughfare and conception vessels ; the three yin meridians of foot and conception and governor vessels ( lr3 , ki3 , sp6 , sp10 , sp9 , st36 , rn6 , rn4 , gv20 ) were treated 摘要月经病治疗可以从调和气血、调补脏腑和调理冲任三方面入手,以足三阴和任督经脉输穴为主,常用脑穴为太冲、太溪、三阴交、血海、阴陵泉、足三里、气海、关元、百会等。
太: highest; greatest; remotest冲: powerful; with vim and vigou ...何太冲: he taichong刘太冲: liu taichong太冲穴: great rush point挑战何太冲: e00o凡事看开些,不要太冲动: gate - crasher经脉之海,冲脉,太冲脉,十二经之海: thoroughfare vessel凡事看开些, 不要太冲动, 不要看得那么重: take it easy凡事看开些,不要太冲动,不要看得那么重: take it easy太充足的: overabundant太丑: too ugly太迟了: it's too late; too late太初核合成: big bang nucleosynthesis太迟来: shine太初有道: in the beginning was the word; logos; word太迟的: belated太初哲学: first philosophy太迟: out of time; out-of-time