Rock k2 classic series - lady in the sky 滚石k2经典系列-天顶的月娘啊
There shall be showers of blessing , if we but trust and obey ; there shall be seasons refreshing , 你是我一切我要信靠你天顶的君王世间无可比
He gazed upward to the zenith , he was , nevertheless , perfectly aware that little pearl was pointing her finger towards old roger chillingworth , who stood at no great distance from the scaffold 在仰望天顶的整个过程中,他始终非常清楚,小珠儿在指着站得离刑台不远的老罗杰灵渥斯。
On the contrary , an object reaches its lowest position when passing through the semi - circle which includes the nadir and the nearest celestial pole , and this phenomenon is called lower culmination 经过包括天顶的那半个子午圈时,天体到达最高位置,称为上中天。经过包括天底的那半个子午圈时,天体到达最低位置,称为下中天。