Sky lover - the moon in the city 5 disc box set 天空下的缘份之城里的月光5碟套装
Sky lover - i want happiness 5 disc box set 天空下的缘份之我要的幸福5碟套装
Nana gazed ecstatically at the vast plain beneath the gray sky where great clouds were banked up 娜娜喜出望外地眺望灰色天空下的那片一望无垠的原野,只见天空中乌云密布。
Gen1 : 9 and god said , ' let the water under the sky be gathered to one place , and let dry ground appear . ' and it was so 9上帝说, “让天空下的水集中到一个地方,让干燥的土地显露出来。 ”于是就这样了。
I believe that i can find out my sky . it is own of my , there are my hope , my dream , my future 朝着那片天空走去。在那片天空下的路上,我迷茫、失落、痛苦、后悔、难过、迷失、执着. . . . . . .每个成长孩子都会遇到的问题和心境。
天空: the sky; the heavens下: below; down; under; undernea ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...恶魔天空下: sous le soleil de satan; under the sun of satan星空下的吻: heaven`s kiss另一片天空下: chemins de l'oued, les像天空下北风: like the north wind whistlin down the sky青空下的约定: kono aozora ni yakusoku o; kono aozora ni yakusoku wo; konoaozoraniyakusokuw星空下的浪漫: romance under the star night星空下的恋人: lovers under starry sky星空下的琴声: real piano星空下的誓言: swearing under the stars星空下的薰衣草: the lavender under the sky sea夜空下的心灵之约: under the ningt sky the inviting of soul再次见你在蓝色的天空下: where the skies are blue to see you once again青空下的约定角色cd: aozora青空下的约定主题曲: aozora天空和水下的秘密: secrets in the shallows & sky再次见你在蓝色的天空下,我的爱: where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love在那里的湛蓝的天空下能再见到你: where the skies are blue to see you once again在那里的湛蓝的天空下能再见到你,我爱: where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love; where the skies are blue to see you once again,my love在那里的湛蓝的天空下能再看到你,我爱: where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love基督山(寂静的星空下的寂静的夜晚): corcovado (quiet nights of quiet stars)星空下: aa-liuyan; under stars天空: the sky; the heavens 蔚蓝的天空 a blue sky; 瞧, 一架飞机在天空飞翔! look, a plane is flying in the sky